United Nations Development Fund


Region: South Asia

Country: Pakistan

Value: USD 40,389

Start Date: 2013-03-01

End Date: 2013-05-10


Team Members

Zulfiqar ul Mulk
(Team Leader)
Dr. Zafar Iqbal
(Assignment Advisor)
Sajjad Aslam
(Survey Expert/Field Manager)
Tahir Jelani
(Assignment Coordinator)

Project Description

The purpose of the study is to obtain baseline data for RAHA programme outcomes and their relevant impact indicators. This required the creation of detailed profiles and baseline data collection in 48 union councils (UCs) of district Nowshera and Peshawar of KPK. The specific objective of the study is

  1. Exhaustive mapping of the area including position, size, topography, water sources.
  2. Infrastructure details of each UC.
  3. Population demographics segregated by age, gender, status (refugee/internally displaced people's (IDPs)/resident), and disabled personnel.
  4. Living conditions of the population.
  5. Details of existing and potential income sources, communication facilities, sanitation facilities and practices, the extension of services, welfare services available and their use, disaster risk, and prevention, state and non-state actors in the area, employers in the area, possible employment opportunities in the area, market demand for skills and skills available.

Services provided by APEX

The services provided by the firms included research tools development, training of field enumerators and supervisors, primary data collection from 15984 households (HHs) through group HHs interviews, 48 FGDs, and 30 KIIs in district Nowshera and Peshawar, secondary data collection from the respective line departments, data editing and coding, data analysis, and baseline report development. Data editing was done by professional researchers and data was entered in Census Survey Program (CSPro). After data entry frequency tables were generated for cleaning. Data analysis was done using the statistical package (SPSS). The whole exercise was done in close coordination of the client.