Rural Support Network Programme (RSPN)


Region: South Asia

Country: Pakistan

Value: USD 27.1K

Start Date: 2012-05-10

End Date: 2012-08-30


Team Members

Muhammad Iqbal
(Team Leader)
Dr. L.A. Hijazi
(Agriculture/Horticulture Expert)
Shahin Shah Safi
(Survey Expert/Field Manager)
Hammad Rehman
(Assignment Coordinator)

Project Description

The objective of the USAID Firms project (the 'project') is to improve government services delivery and develop dynamic internationally competitive firms to accelerate sales, investment, and job growth. Chemonics as a sub-contractor of the project intends to conduct a third-party baseline of the peach and potato growers with reference to the specific following objectives of the survey.

  1. Assessment of farm management practices for peach and potato growers.
  2. Map the different varieties of peach and potato being cultivated by farmers and assess the production and yield for each variety.
  3. Assess the extent to which peach and potato growers having access to credit service/facilities.
  4. Conduct training needs assessment of the peach and potato growers.
  5. Assess the market information and market linkages of the peach and potato growers.

Services provided by APEX

The services provided by the APEX Consulting included research tools refinement, training of field enumerators and supervisors, data collection from 188 peach growers, and 154 potato growers located in the district Swat, data editing, and coding, data analysis, and baseline report development. Data editing was done by professional researchers and data was entered in CSPro. After data entry frequency tables were generated for cleaning. Data analysis was done using a statistical package (SPSS). The whole exercise was done in close coordination with the client.