Region: South Asia
Country: Pakistan
Value: USD 29K
Start Date: 2007-12-01
End Date: 2008-02-28
Team Members
Dr. L. A. HijaziUSAID awarded USD 23 million contracts to I-LED to implement a post-earthquake reconstruction project in Bagh district of AJK and Mansehra district of KP. The first phase of the program covered emergency relief and reconstruction. In the second phase value chain approach was used to improve the livelihoods of the people by improving the productivity of the existing livelihood chains and by linking these chains to national and international markets.
The consultants were asked to collect and then review the policies of the federal and provincial governments regarding agriculture, horticulture, dairy, livestock, and tourism development. Such policies were collected through meetings and later SWOT analysis was done on these policies to identify gaps. The objective was to lobby the respective governments for either the effective implementation of the policies or change of the policies where required.