United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


Region: South Asia

Country: Pakistan

Value: USD 25K

Start Date: 2006-11-01

End Date: 2006-12-31


Team Members

(Team Leader)
Sundas Warsi
(Assignment Coordinator)
Sohail Moghul
(Qualitative Researcher)
Hameed Bhatti
(Quantitative Researcher)

Project Description

To determine through a quantitative (and qualitative) survey the percentage of the population that is likely to migrate from their villages in the Alai and Neelum Valley due to inadequate shelter conditions in their native villages.

Services provided by APEX

The services provided by the APEX included: sample framework design, survey questionnaire design, mobilization of field staff, training of field staff, data collection from the field, SPSS analysis, and report development.