NARC Premises, Park Road, Chak Shahzad,IslamabadRegion: South Asia
Country: Pakistan
Value: Priority Urgent
Start Date: 2013-10-28
End Date: 2014-06-28
Team Members
FAO started recovery and reconstruction operations. Nearly three-quarters of Pakistan's labor force works in the informal sector and their contribution to GDP is estimated at a significant 37%. Having no control over production processes, informal women workers are vulnerable and dependent on those supplying them with work, often middleman.
FAO, ILO, and UNWOMEN intend to establish a baseline of the vulnerabilities, living conditions, and socio-economic situation of targeted peasant communities and small landowners in districts Dadu and Mipurkhas.
APEX provided the services includes survey framework development, data collection tools, training of enumerators, data collection from primary and secondary sources, analysis, triangulation, and report writing. APEX deployed 04 field teams for primary data collection and a separate team of qualitative data collection in Dadu and Mirpurkhas. Data was collected from 576 households (home-based workers), 12 FGDs with rural communities, and 42 KIIs with local stakeholders, landlords, Hari, research institutions, government, training institutes, civil society organizations, representative of social safety schemes, producers and trade unions, etc.