

Region: South Asia

Country: Pakistan

Value: USD 4.2K

Start Date: 2008-10-01

End Date: 2008-12-31


Team Members

Sher Akber
(Team Leader)

Project Description

The Government of Pakistan established the National Vocational and Technical Education Commission (NAVTEC) in 2006 with a mandate to facilitate, regulate, and provide policy direction for technical education and vocational training. NAVTEC developed two strategy papers:

  1. A vision for the National Skills Strategy
  2. The National Skills Strategy (NSS)

NSS program design and implementation are initiated by DFID and GTZ with the Dutch government and the European Commission joining to identify and prioritize their areas of action for the coming 5 years.

Services provided by APEX

GTZ has compiled background information on Pakistan's TVET sector. In this regard, the consultants were contracted to conduct an analysis to facilitate GTZ for developing a comprehensive overview of the state of implementation of the NSS and the priority set for moving ahead. APEX experts conducted a thorough analysis of TEVTA as an organization, from management and operational perspective and suggested policies, strategies and instruments (formal and non-formal), financing, and costing models for TEVTA restructuring.