United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)


Region: South Asia

Country: Pakistan

Value: USD 13.7K

Start Date: 2012-11-12

End Date: 2012-12-15


Team Members

(Assignment Manager)

Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal
(Assignment Advisor)
Zulfiqar ul Mulk
(Team Leader)
Tahir Jelani
(Assignment Coordinator)
5Research Assistants, 20 Field Enumerators/Data Collectors

Project Description

UNHCR office in Peshawar has been assisting Afghan refugees in KPK through Refugees Affected and Hosting Areas Program (RAHA) in collaboration with Government of Pakistan and UN agencies. The last version of comprehensive need assessment for the RAHA program was completed in 2006, which was done in KPK and Baluchistan. The need to review and re-assess the RAHA areas particularly in KP in order to come up with a solid for integrated planning and implementation for RAHA projects in 2013. The overall objective of the assessment was:

  1. To identify gaps in planning and development program.
  2. Provide a solid basis for planning and implementation for future RAHA projects.
  3. Avoid overlapping and,
  4. Provide project implementors for the right geographical area selection.

Services provided by APEX

The services provided were secondary research including desk review, focus group discussions, community-level dialogues, and consultative meetings with UN agencies, CAR, RAHA, provisional, and district line departments. Key services provided by the firm included:

  1. Secondary data analysis.
  2. Research tools development.
  3. Training of field enumerators.
  4. Data collection from 20 districts of KPK.
  5. FGDs conducted one in five districts, where Afghan refugees are residing in a huge influx.
  6. Consultative meetings with UNHCR, CAR-RAHA, IPs, UN Agencies, and Govt. officials.
  7. Provision of technical services for data entry and data analysis services.
  8. A comprehensive needs assessment report and presentation.